Scotty’s Week, Dec 20th — Dec 24th

Scotty Beam
5 min readDec 24, 2021


Another crazy week in the bag, and the bag is as big as Santa’s!

I’m not a ho-ho-hoing creature of the night, but I have plenty to unpack. This is one of these posts where I look back at the past week, scratch my head and ask myself how I ended up here.

It was an eventful and hectic week, all in the spirit of the upcoming holidays.

We Are Now Listed On CoinGecko!

I started mundane Monday with a bomb that would make Mike Breen scream “BANG-BANG!”

Better late than never, but yeah, we’ve caught the gecko by the tail and it didn’t fall off this time.

It’s been a frustrating time, applying many times and having to scroll past ‘WEN COINGECKO!?’ replies in chats and social media.

We did it, finally did it. It may not seem like much, but damn it feels good to get this monkey off the back. As someone poignantly pointed out on Twitter ‘WEN COINGECKO’ will now be replaced with ‘WEN MOON’, and actually, I don’t mind it.

Anything to switch the topic, and see something different on my channels.

Here’s the CG page! Proof link is needed even if you trust me with your newborns.

Two AMAs in a Row, Anything For The Community

On Monday I had a meet and greet with some amazing folks in two big Telegram groups.

First of all, I held an AMA in StartFi chat! It’s 82K strong and I think this is good news to us as the community, we got some new people on board. We’re growing not by the day, but by the hour! It was a fun event however you look at it.

I shared about what I have on my plate at the moment, what formed my character in the past, and what’s in store for the near future. Here’s a teaser of what some AMA bits looked like:

AMA: Yes, and you insist that this is “No Financial Advice”, definitely. Everyone should have the foresight to make their own choices.

Scotty: True, please stay sensible folks. It’s important to manage expectations when stepping into a relationship with me. Just ask my ex-wives for proof.

AMA: Uh, how many of them? 😂

Scotty: Wives? Too many to count, we hamsters are built different. So yeah, about the INO

Then I had a peek into CryptoSyzygyChatbox, which had more questions straight from the community and I had to pick from the buttload of inquiries, periodically fighting off people who asked me to choose their question.

I wonder if that ever worked for anyone? Certainly not gonna fly well with me. No tampering!

100K+ Community for Scotty Beam?

Speaking of channels with a huge following… Let’s talk more about ourselves!

If you haven’t noticed, we are now creeping up to 70 thousand followers on Twitter, and pushing for 47K subscribers in the Telegram announcement channel. We’re growing not by the day, but by the hour!

I’m afraid to predict where we will be in 2023, as I couldn’t predict such astronomical numbers when it all started out in April. Thank you for being a part of this diabolical family!

If we get even more cheeky with our number crunching, we can also add 14.4K subscribers on Medium. Allow me to close my eyes on the obvious overlap between subscribers, cause everyone around me is doing it haha.

It probably won’t be out of the ordinary to shill all my pages in this section too. Have at it!

Website | Twitter | Telegram Chat | Telegram ANN | Medium

INO on StartFi and Kaizen Finance!

Getting to the meat and potatoes of the week…

It all kicked off on Tuesday and lasted for the remainder of the week. For those of you who have missed INOs completely, or maybe even have no Earthly idea what INO is, here’s an ELI5.

INO stands for Initial NFT Offering.

It allows projects and creators to engage with communities by distributing NFTs. INO has become one of the most popular fundraising models in the crypto world. So, basically, an INO is a crowdfunding platform in which non-fungible tokens are offered for a certain amount of time at the start of a project.

Some important info about my INO in particular:

  • I have increased the number of NFTs to give my people more chances to get a legendary NFT with insane utility!
  • INO is split into two rounds — sale and pre-sale to give whitelisted participants a chance to get ahead of the pack. Pre-sale participants could grab up to 5 guaranteed NFTs, and for the sale we decided to get rid of any limits! Not too shabby!
  • While the sale price stays 1 BNB, INO participants could grab the limited amount of NFTs for 0.5 BNB and then buy more at the sale round. Stakers of 12500+ of my $SCOTTY tokens will have guaranteed allocation in the pre-sale to be held on my website.
  • We will have a few more additional pre-sales in January before doing the big sale on my own website. The price there will be back to 1 BNB!
  • The reveal of Mystery NFTs from the ‘Scotty Beam Prime’ collection will happen in January. I won’t give you any dates in particular, but promise that the wait will be worth it. The reveal itself will be automatic too, they will hatch into digital excellence and you won’t have to do a thing!
  • My collection is already added to marketplaces and we will add more of them on different blockchains that we will announce sooner rather than later.

I’m still standing, so the first piece of the collection and are looking forward to more similar events in 2022.

Number of Teleports, Token Info, Final Thoughts

Wrapping this edition with some raw numbers and thoughts on important matters.

First, let’s see how many teleports we had in the last week, and if Initial NFT Offering played a role in this activity. It certainly did! We had 66 teleports in three blockchains, and their activity has spiked recently. Here you can see that Scotty Beam Prime NFTs are being moved already!

Let’s keep the tempo, so the Teleporter won’t ever get all dusty, pun very much intended.

We need more numbers up in here, how’s our token performing lately?

🐹 $SCOTTY Numbers 🐹

✨Teleports: 66

💰 Current Price: $0.048

💧 Liquidity: $160,779

📈 Market Cap: $522,380

🚀 ROI: 20.09%

👛 Holders: 9852

Admittedly, the token has seen some rough days, but it is slowly coming back. We have a strategy to recover its price by buying out tokens and burning the first portion.

Well, this about covers it, ladies and gentlemen.

Merry Christmas, beamers, 2021 was a beast to deal with, but we made it.

